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How To Prepare Your Backyard For Bushfire Season

Dec 21, 2022

It's that time of year again where homeowners across Australia need to start preparing their property for the bushfire season. For many, this task can seem daunting and it's easy to put off. However, taking a few simple steps can help reduce the risk of your home being impacted by a bushfire. In this blog post, we'll share tips on how to prepare your backyard for bushfire season. We hope you find this helpful and share with others who may also benefit from these tips. 

October To March Is Bushfire Season

October through March are critical months when it comes to preparing your backyard and making sure you have an emergency plan in place. By taking some simple but important steps today – like creating a fire safety plan or keeping up with local alerts – you can put yourself and your family at ease knowing they're prepared if disaster strikes. 

Remove Any Flammable Materials From Your Yard

By removing all flammable materials, you can help reduce the risk of a fire spreading through your yard and nearby homes. Common items such as dried leaves, dead trees, wood piles and propane tanks should be kept off your property or stored in a designated location far away from your home. If you have any questions about the removal process or safety measures, contact your local fire department or tree removal service for more information. Be sure to double-check all flammable materials are out of reach before leaving your house; you'll be glad you did!

Cut Your Grass

Cutting your grass regularly is an important step to keep your property safe and reduce the risk of a fire spreading. Fires spread quickly when there are dry conditions and tall grasses present, so keeping it low and green will help protect you. Investing in the right equipment for the job can also be beneficial – quality mowers, trimmers and rakes will make cutting your grass easier and safer. 

Create A Defensible Space Around Your House 

Getting proactive in protecting your home from fire damage starts with clearing away debris and trimming back any overhanging trees or shrubs. You can take control of the environment around your house, by proactively assessing when nearby foliage is getting too close for comfort! If it's become a tough task to tackle on your own, consider calling in some experienced help.

Have A Plan In Place

Having a plan in place can help you and your family react swiftly and efficiently should a disaster arise. Start by creating an evacuation plan, drawing up a map or route to escape your home, workplace or area of leisure if necessary. Identify safe meeting places such as relatives’ homes, public buildings or open areas away from danger. 

Is Your Home Ready For Bushfire Season?

Though taking these steps may seem like a lot of work, they pale in comparison to the devastation that can be caused by a wildfire. By following these simple tips, you can help protect your home and property from the threat of fire. If you need assistance clearing dead trees or trimming back tree and shrub growth too close to your home, contact All Area Tree Service Pty Ltd. We would be happy to help you create a defensible space around your home and provide advice on how to prepare your home for bushfire season. Reach out to us via our contact form or give Jason 0450 002 282 or Greg 0400 312 577 a call today. 

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